Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A memorable fishing trip

Part of Mama Kat's Writing Workshop

My husbands family has a long tradition of going on a ten day fishing trip at a remote lake in Canada.  The first three years I knew my husband we did not go on this trip.  (The first year we were dating and I had other plans that week.  The 2nd year was the week of our wedding so we canceled.  The third year we had a family illness)  Finally, the fourth year of knowing him was when I made it on this infamous fishing trip.

Now, I haven't done a whole lot of fishing in my lifetime.  In fact until this trip I had only caught one fish and I am still suspicious that my friend caught it for me then handed me the fishing pole.   I was anxious to see if I would have any luck this time.   Even though I don't generally fish I am always ready to "rough it". I can go days without a shower or sleep outside on the ground with only a sleeping bag.  Our acccommodations provided a bed in some run down cabins so it was definitely better than being outside but it was still different than a Hawaiian resort.

My first fishing trip. 

My first pregnancy.

My first experience with morning sickness.

So, I would stay in bed as long as I could since I felt so nauseous.  I ate crackers.  

I would climb in the rowboat with my husband.  He would fish.  I would lay in the boat barely holding on to my pole secretly hoping neither one of us would catch one.  I didn't know how I would react to the smell of fresh fish.  

Fortunately, I could tolerate the smell.     

I survived the week, nauseous, exhausted and desperately wanting to be in the comforts of my own home.   I was most disappointed that I did not get to experience my first "fishing trip" in a normal fashion.  The years after that involved taking care of babies and toddlers which in and of itself is a whole different experience. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Advice to New Mothers

Mama Kat's Writing Workshop

As the mother of three young children I like to think that I know it all.  Unfortunately each day my boys prove that wrong.  I still have a lot to learn and could certainly continue to take advice from other mothers.  However, I have been a new mother and what a crazy, wonderful time of life it was.   And while I have tons of advice I will just leave my top two nuggets of advice for new mothers, because really new mothers are so sleep deprived they can't remember much more.

1.  Enjoy those snuggles.  Never again will you have the time to focus completely on your baby as he snuggles into your shoulder.  It is such a precious time.

2.  Every day gets a little better.  This was the best advice I received.  Every day is just a little better than the day before.  It might be such a small difference that you hardly notice but it is getting better and will keep getting better and finally you will get some sleep.

Congratulations to you, a new mother!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years later

I finally had the chance to watch a special on the 10th year anniversary of 9/11.  Since my kids were asleep I didn't have to worry about explaining why people died. Or why there are bad guys that drive airplanes into buildings.  I had to briefly explain some of this earlier to my four year old, but thankfully he became distracted.

We all remember where we were on that day.  How can anyone forget?  It was a day of emotion, uncertainty, and fear.  I could recount my thoughts on that day but tonight I was touched by the stories of those who lost their dad or mom in this tragedy.  I don't know what it would be like to be in any of these situations but it made me the saddest to hear these 9 and 10 year old kids describe a person they had never known but was somehow a huge part of who they were.

Bless them! Bless their widowed parent! Bless all those who were lost on that day! 

And what a reminder to me that I am so blessed.