Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yesterday I heard a lady speak about destressing our kids lives.  While most of the information was stuff I had heard before, there were definitely a few reminders of things I can do to make our world a little more stress free.  

The biggest thing I was reminded of was our kid's stress is often based on the stress we have in our lives.  Along with that is how we deal with stress and the attitude we have with it.   I feel I am a pretty easy going person who can accommodate most things with a positive attitude.  I hope this is evident to my kids.  If you were to ask my husband he would say that I stress about a lot of unnecessary things.  Maybe I do but I think that is also part of being a mother. 

I have tried, and continue to try to identify the things that "stress me out".  This is the list I have come up with for now.

1. Dinner
2. Trying to find last minute childcare so I can tutor.
3. A change in plans. (it usually takes me a little while before I am ok with the change)
4. Shopping/Spending Money (I have always had a strong dislike for spending money.  I don't think it will ever change so I need to learn how to make it not stressful for me)

I'm working on ways to make these things less stressful.  For example, if I have dinner planned for the week it makes things that much easier for me.  

And of course I try to find time for myself so I can destress too! 

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