Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lessons in Camping

A few months ago my husband was sucked into the Costco curse.  He walked by a tent display and saw that it was "such a great deal" that he had to buy it.  This was not an average size tent, this was a tent with three rooms big enough to fit three queen size mattresses.  Now, our family of five does not need one this big but we do hope to add a few more kids so we could use it.  The problem, at the time, was that the only time we ever went camping was over Labor Day weekend.  So, when my husband came home with this purchase I told him it's great but now we need to go camping more than once a year.  So, we have.  We have been on three camping trips this summer and we have one more to go. 

This past weekend I learned a few things that I thought I would write about.

1. Make a List -  We need to have a list of things we bring everytime we go camping.  We have said this every time and I think about doing it but never do.  Hopefully I can start my list today tomorrow.   This time around we forgot forks, butter, and a few other things.  But we did remember to bring paper plates.

2. Bring things that will make camping a little easier.   I found this at the grocery store.

This is so much easier than bringing the mix, the eggs, the bowl, the spoon and whatever else you need to make pancakes.  It still tasted very yummy.

3.  Jiffy Pop  - I forgot about fun things like Jiffy Pop.  I will have to make sure to bring some next time.

I know I will learn many more things about camping as we go on more trips.  Maybe one day I will have it all figured out. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mom Fail

I was in the mini van with my three boys, driving to my sister's house.   She lives at least an hour and 20 minutes away.   It is always quite a trek but I almost have it done to a well timed drive.   Usually the boys wake up, they go to the bathroom and get dressed.  We skip breakfast at home and eat a granola bar in the car along with their milk.  This is great because it usually takes up some time in the car where they are happy.  I rarely have to stop because someone has to use the bathroom.

Back to the story.   For some reason this time the boys had already eaten breakfast.  The only concern I had was that one of them may throw up in the car (since it was shortly after a meal).  

I was about twenty minutes into the drive when my 2 1/2 year old started asking for his milk.  I had their milk cups by me.  I still had a good fifty minute drive left.  I could either give him the milk and his whining/demanding would stop or I could try to distract him.   The distracting did not work and the whining continued.   Here is where I should have found an exit, pulled off the freeway and given him his milk.  

Instead, in all my brightness I decided I could multitask while driving (very poor choice) and toss his cup back to him.  

So I did.   It was one of these hard plastic kind. 

He stopped his whining/crying for six seconds, then he cried harder and louder.   I realized the cup had hit him.  In my effort to make him a "tough" boy I reassured him that he was ok and it didn't hurt.  Don't good moms say this to their boys.

I looked in my rear view mirror again and saw him holding his mouth with blood dripping down his chin.   I had hit him with the cup and drew blood.

We found the next exit and the closest place to pull over so I could clean up the blood.  I gave him a big hug and a huge apology.  The rest of the drive he was not whining and I was laughing and crying at the same time.  How could I make such a bone head mistake?  I would like to blame it on what many people call "mommy brain". 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


 Opinion post:   Write about how you feel about cussing in blog land? Acceptable? Unacceptable? Do you keep reading?

I was raised in a conservative home.  It was ingrained into my mind to not smoke, drink, swear, get tattoos or piercings in strange parts of my body.  

When it came to saying bad words we had a great model in my parents.  They rarely, if ever, swore.  I remember trying to swear but as soon as the words came out of my mouth they felt awkward.   It just is not natural for me.  So, on my blogs I don't cuss.  It would sound strange and would not reflect the person I am.  However, for other people cussing is part of their personality.  And this is not in a bad way.  It's just who they are.  Just as tattoos and piercings reflect someones style, so does cussing.  (and sometimes I secretly wish I could have tattoos and piercings and swear as if it was not a big deal) 

Now, I will say cussing, in excess, is not enjoyable to read or listen to.  It just becomes too much.  You miss the main point of the message if there is a bad word every other time.  I hope those that do decide to use swear words do so in a way that reflects them or what they think so that the readers will enjoy it and get to know them a little better. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

7 years

Yesterday we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.   It seems like just yesterday we were saying "I do" and at the same time it seems like a very long time ago.  We have created a lot of fun memories in those very short/long seven years.  The greatest memories have been the births of our three boys.  This goes without saying our boys have been the best part of us being together.  It is what we had dreamed about before we even were married.

We have also been on some very fun trips and many adventures.  We only hope to make many more wonderful memories together and as a family.

Now, I am not going to paint these last seven years as a truly, blissful and happy time.  For the most part it is great!  But we have had our moments, our frustrations, and our struggles.  Yet we are both committed and dedicated to not only making this marriage last but to solving our arguments and disagreements.   I get frustrated and sometimes angry when we don't see eye to eye on something.  Brad has to remind me that we won't always agree on everything and that is ok.   We just need to focus on understanding  and learning more about each other.  It is so very hard sometimes but I know it is so important.

I am looking forward to the next seven years (and of course many more).  And even though I know we will have disagreements  or misunderstanding I know we love each other deeply and will always, always work on understanding each other better.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yesterday I heard a lady speak about destressing our kids lives.  While most of the information was stuff I had heard before, there were definitely a few reminders of things I can do to make our world a little more stress free.  

The biggest thing I was reminded of was our kid's stress is often based on the stress we have in our lives.  Along with that is how we deal with stress and the attitude we have with it.   I feel I am a pretty easy going person who can accommodate most things with a positive attitude.  I hope this is evident to my kids.  If you were to ask my husband he would say that I stress about a lot of unnecessary things.  Maybe I do but I think that is also part of being a mother. 

I have tried, and continue to try to identify the things that "stress me out".  This is the list I have come up with for now.

1. Dinner
2. Trying to find last minute childcare so I can tutor.
3. A change in plans. (it usually takes me a little while before I am ok with the change)
4. Shopping/Spending Money (I have always had a strong dislike for spending money.  I don't think it will ever change so I need to learn how to make it not stressful for me)

I'm working on ways to make these things less stressful.  For example, if I have dinner planned for the week it makes things that much easier for me.  

And of course I try to find time for myself so I can destress too! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Technology & Kids

Since becoming a mother I have become more aware of the latest findings and studies.  Some of these studies are interesting to me, others obvious and a few that seem a little far fetched.  One "study" I constantly hear is the damage television can do to young kids.  While my kids don't watch a lot of TV they do watch some and I try my best to limit it as much as possible.  (Full confession: they watched a lot of TV after a sibling was born).  

One study I have not heard is the impact computers have on our kids.   I think it's mostly because it is still new and novel to all of us.  Many adults don't want to admit that computers might be bad because we have become so dependent on them.  We look up information and stay connected all through a keyboard and a comptuer screen.  

Aside from learning how to be a mom I also now have to figure out a balance of technology for my kids.  I rarely let them on the computer.  However, as a former teacher I know the importance of being able to navigate a mouse.   In an effort to minimize computer time in my house I have instituted a few policies for myself.  

1.  I only check e-mail and facebook when the kids are sleeping (or at least trying to fall asleep).
2.  If I need to print something or check something on the computer I try to do it quickly upstairs while they are still downstairs.  Or, I try to find alternative ways to find information.  i.e. call my sister or dad
3.  Do not use my laptop downstairs.  (I fail at this one on occasion but I am trying)

By establishing these rules for myself I feel I have communicated to my boys that the computer is not the center of my life (although my husband thinks I am always on facebook).  And maybe slowly I will let them see some of the really cool computer games that are available online.