Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Simple Things

The Simple Things  (Mama Kat's Writing Workshop)

When I think of simplicity I think of things that require very little thought or effort and in the end makes me happy.  My list of a few of the simple things.

1.  Sitting in the rocking chair on my front porch.

2.  Throwing rocks into the water.

3.  Walking on the beach

4.  Waking up before the alarm clock goes off

5.  Rushing to bed so I can read a good book.

6.  A good phone conversation with an old friend.

7.  Nice long run.  (on a trail)   **

8.  Snuggling in bed with my husband and three boys

9.  Getting a genuine letter in the mail

10.   A glass of wine

** This admittedly takes a little more effort but still is a simple thing to me. 


  1. I really like you list. I really like #10 it's also on my list.

  2. I really like your list. These things, the simplest things, really are the moments that make up a life...

  3. Love your list! I also love a nice glass of wine!! It really is about the simple things!
