Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cuddling and Lists

I have a long list of things to do around this house and for myself.   It's overwhelming at times and I don't know when or how I will get it done unless I send the kids away for a few days but then I would probably just be lazy and not get anything done.  So I don't really want to do that.  

Most of the time I get things done is before they wake up in the morning or after they have gone to bed.  But I'm not very productive during those times.   I'm usually going for a run in the morning or I'm too tired at night. 

Last night my youngest, 16 months old, was having a tough time going to sleep.  He typically falls asleep very quickly so it was a little unusual that he was having such a hard time.  I decided to go in there to check and see if anything was wrong, a stuck leg, poopy diaper, something.  I went in and found nothing.  Instead I picked him up and held him and cuddled with him until he fell into a deep slumber.

My eyes started to tear up.  Those are moments that are so incredibly precious. And while I have a long list of things to do it may take years to get them done and thats ok (or at least I keep telling myself that) because these are moments that will soon be gone. 

I love my snuggles.  

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