I'm not sure what to write about except a little rambling of some things I was feeling today.
I usually get up before the kids, 6 AM at the latest. Today it was 7:20 when I was woken up. It put me a little out of sorts but I was ok with it because I knew I could still get in a shower. Saturday mornings are a little easier to do that. But then my husband came downstairs and said "I'm going to practice. I will take the boys." He was so sweet and thought he was helping me by relieving some of my parenting duties. Instead I was annoyed. I missed my shower. I had two of the four kids to take care of, which actually is harder than all four. (you would understand if you had that many kids)
So my whole day seemed a little off balance. I didn't get much done on my to do list, but then I usually don't. I looked around my house and felt like my place was just getting more chaotic by the second. I'm not sure when it will end since we are moving into Christmas and after Christmas it is the New Year and skiing. Then it is right back to track season.
And then I try to just embrace this moment of life. I'm going to miss this when it's gone. Right?
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