I finally had the chance to watch a special on the 10th year anniversary of 9/11. Since my kids were asleep I didn't have to worry about explaining why people died. Or why there are bad guys that drive airplanes into buildings. I had to briefly explain some of this earlier to my four year old, but thankfully he became distracted.
We all remember where we were on that day. How can anyone forget? It was a day of emotion, uncertainty, and fear. I could recount my thoughts on that day but tonight I was touched by the stories of those who lost their dad or mom in this tragedy. I don't know what it would be like to be in any of these situations but it made me the saddest to hear these 9 and 10 year old kids describe a person they had never known but was somehow a huge part of who they were.
Bless them! Bless their widowed parent! Bless all those who were lost on that day!
And what a reminder to me that I am so blessed.
The kids stories get me every time.