Monday, April 11, 2011

The Magic Pill

I am someone who needs 8 hours of sleep.  I'm still not sure how I survive those first months of each of my children's lives when I don't get nearly that much sleep but now when things are (somewhat) normal I need 8 hours of sleep.  I try really hard to get into bed by 9:30 so I can be sleeping by 10:00 so that I can wake up at 6:00 to go for a run (or other workout) before the little ones wake up for the day.  Even tonight it's past 10:00 and I am just finishing up my writing (my goal to write something every day) and I am tired but still want to read some of my book I am currently reading. 

Oh, how I wish there was a magic pill that meant I didn't have to go to sleep.  But then would I really get anything done.  I would probably still have a messy house, a long list of things to do, lots of blogs to read, phone calls to make, e-mails to send, and books to read.   If all these things still existed I think I would still try the magic pill.  But until that comes around I'm off to try and get my 8 hours of sleep.  Wish me luck!

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